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January pinball tournament at Mean Max Brew Works Troy taproom. New players encouraged to join!
Capped at 28 players.
$6 tournament entry, $1 goes to IFPA for WPPRs. Rest goes to cash prize pool. Cash prizes for top 4 and for the "Caboose!", Mean Max prizes for top 3. Games are coin drop.
IFPA group matchplay event. 7/5/3/1 for four player groups. 7/4/1 for three player groups. Most points at the end wins!
Tourney starts 7pm sharp, no rounds will start after 9:15pm. Arrive 15 mins early please!
Also celebrating the birthdays of Dave Grohl, Faye Dunaway, and LL Cool J. Apparently no cool world events happened on this day just a bunch of dumb war and political stuff.