Troy Taproom

Monthly Events on Tap (Troy Taproom)
Tuesdays: Pinball @ 7pm
Wednesdays: Taproom Trivia @ 7pm
Thursdays: Craft Night 6-9pm
Fridays: Check out the calendar for themed nights and events below, details & sign up on our Instagram Page
Saturdays: Karaoke with Strange Pals @ 8pm
Sundays: Sunday-Fun Days, check out the calendar and events below, details & sign up on our Instagram Page
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Friday, March 7: 60’s Night
Sunday, March 9: Creepy Terrarium Class @ 2pm
Friday, March 14: Max Olympics @ 8pm
Sunday, March 16: B-I-N-G-O
Friday, March 21: Art Reception 6-9pm
Friday, March 28: 80’s Night
Sunday, March 30: Live Music @ 2pm
Pinball: March Tournament
See event details here: March 18 Pinball Tournament
March pinball tournament at Mean Max Brewery in beautiful downtown Troy NY. New players encouraged to join!
Pre-registration available here - RSVP to event or message me privately. Capped at 28 players.
$6 tournament entry, $1 goes to IFPA for WPPRs. Rest goes to cash prize pool. Cash prizes for top 4 and for the "Caboose!", Mean Max prizes for top 3. Games are coin drop.
IFPA group matchplay event. 7/5/3/1 for four player groups. 7/4/1 for three player groups. Most points at the end wins!
Tourney starts 7pm sharp, no rounds will start after 9:15pm. Arrive 15 mins early please!
Also celebrating the birthdays of Queen Latifah, Brad Dourif, and Jerry Cantrell. Also really trying to make sense of all the deep sea creatures coming to see what the surface is all about.
Pinball: APRIL Tournament
April pinball tournament at Mean Max Brewery in beautiful downtown Troy NY. New players encouraged to join!
Pre-registration available here - RSVP to event or message me privately. Capped at 28 players.
$6 tournament entry, $1 goes to IFPA for WPPRs. Rest goes to cash prize pool. Cash prizes for top 4 and for the "Caboose!", Mean Max prizes for top 3. Games are coin drop.
IFPA group matchplay event. 7/5/3/1 for four player groups. 7/4/1 for three player groups. Most points at the end wins!
Tourney starts 7pm sharp, no rounds will start after 9:15pm. Arrive 15 mins early please!
Pinball: Women’s NY WPPR Weekend
3-event weekend. Women's division. Minimum 7 rounds of matchplay followed by double-elim finals for Top 8.

Hot Cocoa Stroll (Troy Taproom)
Stop by Mean Max Brew Works Troy Taproom for a taste of our hot cocoa.
Purchase your Downtown Troy x Upstate of Mind mugs before they sell out (contact Upstate of Mind for mug purchase). Bring your mug to Mean Max and receive a 4oz sample of non-boozy hot cocoa (must have your event mug).
Don’t have a mug? You can still purchase a taste of our hot cocoa:
4oz sample of non-boozy hot cocoa for $2
4oz sample of BOOZY hot cocoa for $5
10oz fill of BOOZY hot cocoa for $8

Pinball Tournament
Coming Friday, January 24, 2025: American Pinja Warrior!
Players will compete one at a time, but on 5 machines at once. Once the scorekeeper says "GO" you will have 5 minutes to complete specific goals on each machine all at the same time. The player with the fastest time completing all goals will win!
Pre-register by sending me a message or commenting. Pre-reregistered players will have assigned time slots! Walk-ins will play after pre-registered players are done.
Foo and Bond will not be included in this competition and can be played while you are waiting for your turn. This tournament will take place on the bank of machines against the projector wall.
Due to the absurd nature of this tournament, the 5 games will be set to free play. $10 entry that will be split between house and prize pool.
To get an idea what I am talking about, check out The Gauntlet at INDISC:

Pinball Tournament
January pinball tournament at Mean Max Brew Works Troy taproom. New players encouraged to join!
Capped at 28 players.
$6 tournament entry, $1 goes to IFPA for WPPRs. Rest goes to cash prize pool. Cash prizes for top 4 and for the "Caboose!", Mean Max prizes for top 3. Games are coin drop.
IFPA group matchplay event. 7/5/3/1 for four player groups. 7/4/1 for three player groups. Most points at the end wins!
Tourney starts 7pm sharp, no rounds will start after 9:15pm. Arrive 15 mins early please!
Also celebrating the birthdays of Dave Grohl, Faye Dunaway, and LL Cool J. Apparently no cool world events happened on this day just a bunch of dumb war and political stuff.