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Pinball: March Tournament

  • Mean Max Brew Works (Troy Taproom) 251 River Street Troy, NY, 12181 United States (map)

See event details here: March 18 Pinball Tournament

March pinball tournament at Mean Max Brewery in beautiful downtown Troy NY. New players encouraged to join!
Pre-registration available here - RSVP to event or message me privately. Capped at 28 players.

$6 tournament entry, $1 goes to IFPA for WPPRs. Rest goes to cash prize pool. Cash prizes for top 4 and for the "Caboose!", Mean Max prizes for top 3. Games are coin drop.

IFPA group matchplay event. 7/5/3/1 for four player groups. 7/4/1 for three player groups. Most points at the end wins!

Tourney starts 7pm sharp, no rounds will start after 9:15pm. Arrive 15 mins early please!

Also celebrating the birthdays of Queen Latifah, Brad Dourif, and Jerry Cantrell. Also really trying to make sense of all the deep sea creatures coming to see what the surface is all about.

March 9

Pinball: Women's Pinball Tournament: Outlanes & Omlettes

April 22

Pinball: APRIL Tournament